Modest Mumblings of a Modern Mommy

Loving and learning to be a mom

And then you were one… July 12, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — mommywilcox @ 2:51 am

My big girl Grace,
Mommy can finish telling your birth story another day, but before your big day is over, I want to tell you twelve things that I love about you on your first birthday, and it certainly won’t be hard to think of twelve!

1. You are absolutely beautiful.  People say on a weekly basis that you look like a porcelain doll.  But to me you look like Grace.

2. You are full of life.  Unlike a porcelain doll, you have no capabilities of sitting still.  There were some days when I wished that you would just sit and snuggle and cuddle with Mommy, but then you wouldn’t be YOU!  It is really sweet though when you come to me for comfort after whatever accident has just occurred. 

3.  You do NOTHING in slow motion.  You crawled like lightning, and now you walk at the same speed!  Your little legs move you so fast, and you are very difficult to keep up with! 

4.  You are very confident and determined.  Sometimes these attributes get you into sticky situations or cause you to hurt yourself, but I know that they are certainly positive qualities to possess.  I know that you will never be a quitter!

5.  You are learning to obey.  I am so glad that you know the word “no” and that sometimes, most of the time, you choose to obey.

6.  Your smile becomes cuter with each new tooth that pops through!

7.  You laugh more often now.  Even when we don’t know what you’re laughing about, you get so tickled, and your laughter is sweet to my ears.

8.  You love food.  Enough said…

9.  You know one word, “uh oh,” and you use it appropriately!  I love it!

10.  You recognize your extended family now and squeal with delight when you see them.

11.  You love stuffed animals and love to cuddle with them.  I love watching you plop down on Ruffs and bury your face in him and laugh and laugh and laugh.

12.  One of the most special things that I am loving about you right now is that you love to go to church.  You quickly realize where you are once we get there, and you definitely recognize familiar faces that you associate with church.  Even though right now it’s just long open hallways for you to roam down, you will soon grow to appreciate everything that your mommy and daddy love about our church.  Never stop loving church, baby girl.

You are my best girl.  You are now my best big girl.  I love you so much that sometimes I get so overwhelmed with you that I get a lump in my throat.  I love that God chose me to be your mommy because you are so unique and one-of-a-kind that I wouldn’t trade my job for a six-figure salary. 

I love you, Gracer Racer!



A year ago today…(June 10th) July 11, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — mommywilcox @ 4:47 am

One year ago today, I was a complete wreck.  Knowing that I would leave that evening as just Stephen and I and would come back a few days later with a third person I’d never met was overwhelming to say the least.  The control freak that I was decided to look up and research everything that my doctor told me was going to happen through my induction which included the use of a drug cytotec. What I found was discouraging, but I decided to trust my doctor and ultimately trust God (and I’m so thankful that my doc is such a strong believer!) and leave everything in His hands.  We were also making last minute decisions to change our delivery location from one hospital to another. If you’re from around here, you’ve heard the stories about Polly Ryon (aka “Probably Dyin’), and then Oakbend became “Croakbend.” Exactly what you want to here about the place where you will bring life into the world…

Nevertheless, a decision had to made, so Croakbend it was…I checked the bags several times to make sure that I had everything I needed. Stephen brought home lunch from Chick-fil-a, and I’ll never forget having a meltdown because he brought a fruitcup for me instead of waffle fries (which to me is the only reason why you would go there in the first place). I had such a breakdown that he left and went to Moore’s Doublehorn Grill (in Fulshear) so that I could have some fries, but they weren’t the same as Chick-fil-a. But what a gesture! He then proceded to mow the yard before we left, and I remember thinking, “how can he do something so mundane when I am about give birth!” My husband is always able to get me out of whatever mess (literal or figurative) that I create, but I knew that there wasn’t much he was going to be able to do over the course of the next twelve hours to help me get out of this mess! 

We were told to be at the hospital to check in at 7:00, so we left the house and got some Sonic and then went to Oakbend.  We soon found out that we would be waiting an hour for a bed, so we left and met my parents at Luby’s before heading back.  When we got back at 8:00, there was still no room available, so we waited in the waiting area while my family tried to do things to distract my anxious mind.  One thing we did was fill out Grace’s baby book…I can’t believe I thought gas was expensive then!  I guess it’s all relative…

Finally we went into a room at about 8:45.  The nurse sent me to the bathroom to put on a gown that was slightly unglorious to say the least.  It certainly didn’t resemble the gown that Mommy wore when she was made!  Then she told me climb into the bed so that she could strap me up to all these monitors.  At that point, I lost it and broke down in tears, uncontrollably.  My blood pressure and heart rate went noticeably higher, and the nurse became concerned.  I told her that I was just nervous because I’d never been in the hospital before, and she proceded to leave the room to call my OB/GYN without my knowledge.  In the meantime, my parents and some friends came in to visit, so I tried to compose myself.  While everyone is there, I get a phone call directly to my room, Stephen answers the phone, and it is Dr. F himself.  He let me know that we could leave if we wanted to because the induction had not officially begun yet, and we could wait and see if I went into labor on my own which didn’t seem likely to happen any time soon.  I reassured him that I would be OK, and he told me to tell everyone in the room to be quiet while he prayed for me over the phone.  Yes, he’s that awesome!  My family and friends left shortly after that, and Stephen curled up on the couch and fell asleep.  Then the induction officially began. but I’ll spare the details.  I settled in for a long night with my two companions, my crossword puzzles and Sudoku book.  Thus began a VERY long night…

To be continued…