Modest Mumblings of a Modern Mommy

Loving and learning to be a mom

My Prince October 2, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — mommywilcox @ 2:22 pm

The Game of Tag about your MAN

1. Who is your man? James Stephen Wilcox
2. How long have you been together? We met and fell in love two years ago and were married almost 15 months ago.
3. How long did you date? We dated for 6 months and were engaged for 6 months–I don’t recommend much longer than that!
4. How old is your man? 25 (I’m almost four months older-hehehe)
5. Who eats more? Err…this is a no-brainer.  He does; however, I put up a good fight while I was pregnant. 
6. Who said “I love you” first? He did-in Holly Benner’s parent’s driveway a few days before their wedding.  We had only been dating a few weeks, but when you know, you know. 
7. Who is taller? He is a few inches taller than me, but for some reason, I’m always trying to tell him that I’m taller than he is, especially whenever I wear heels. 
8. Who sings better?  Uh, me, but don’t let him fool you-he can sing!
9. Who is smarter? Hmmm…in math, life, finances, practical information about life-he is.  grammatically, I am. 
10. Whose temper is worse? OMGosh!  Mine!  He was in the corps…he’s pretty stoic!  Fortunately for me, he’s also very forgiving!
11. Who does the laundry? That would be me, but he is very good about helping me fold it.  He would probably do it if I let him, but I’m worried about my clothes shrinking.
12. Who takes out the garbage? That would be Stephen.
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?  He does.  If you’re laying in the bed, he’s on the right, and I’m on the left. 
14. Who pays the bills? Stephen does.  He’s very organized and on top of that kind of stuff (please refer to #9).
15. Who is better with the computer? He is, definitely.  I’m probably better at wasting time on them though. 
16. Who mows the lawn?  That would be Stephen.  I don’t even know how to start our lawnmower.  I told him I would help if he got a riding mower, but I don’t think that our small yards warrant that kind of investment.   
17. Who cooks dinner? ME! 🙂  And I love it!  However, sometimes he grills or makes little pizzas, his specialty,  You know, the ones with the English muffin, marinara sauce, and cheese?  Those are pretty good in a pinch.
18. Who drives when you are together?  Him…I’m worried he’ll critique my driving skills, or lack thereof. 
19. Who pays when you go out? Him.
20. Who is most stubborn?  Me, I’m always the last to compromise when we have to make a decision.  (I’m also the last to admit when I’m wrong–how does he put up with me??)
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Ooops–see above.  I answered that before I saw this question.  How ironic…
22. Whose parents do you see the most? Mine because we live a lot closer to them and go to the same church
23. Who kissed who first?  Well, he definitely initiated the kiss, but I reciprocated! 
24. Who asked who out?  He asked me to be his date to a wedding…we know it’s not your typical first date.  But we were set up by friends and kinda by his grandma.
25. Who proposed? He proposed to me on my 24th birthday! 
26. Who is more sensitive?  Definitely me, but he has definitely become a softy since Grace was born. 
27. Who has more friends? He would probably say me, but he has all of his Corps friends who would do ANYTHING for each other.  They’re like the brothers he never had. 
28. Who has more siblings? He has two little sisters, and I have one. 
29. Who wears the pants in the family?  He does…I’m learning that it’s always better if I don’t challenge his authority because God has given him discernment and wisdom about what is best for our family.  He looks really good in his new Old Navy jeans too (but I bought them for him)!


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